Best Tool For Tow Trucks?

I polled many of our customers and asked a Question. What tool or device made the most of an impact on your business? We had answers ranging from chains,straps to brands of trucks. The customers also mentioned about word of mouth advertising ,social media and even new uniforms. However there was one thing that kept coming up more than anything else.

If you think about towing in itself it may be an obvious thing to you but to other businesses its not so clear. The cell phone was the number one answer, many highlighted how it has offered freedom,one less person to pay and many other benefits. I know it has had positive changes on our business also.

So I ask a question? Are all of its uses positive? The 24/7 companies and their families may agree its a double edged sword. It helps put food on the table, but it also ties you down to it. In our area ,the Nextel walkie talkies are long gone,and have made way to smart phones . Let me know your opinion, what tool impacted you the most?


Matt Burgwald


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